
Popcast™, Publication Date 2023.04.12

On April 12, 2023, Motionworks published an update to its Motionworks Popcast™ Digital Pop.

The following custom segments were added to the population dataset. Similarly, the segments are documented in the Claritas Consumer Segment Catalog with segment identifiers.

Consumer ProfilesAlcoholType of alcoholic beverage drink most often Beer
Consumer ProfilesAlcoholType of alcoholic beverage drink most often Hard cider
Consumer ProfilesAlcoholType of alcoholic beverage drink most often Liquor (spirits)
Consumer ProfilesAlcoholType of alcoholic beverage drink most often Wine
Consumer ProfilesAlcoholType of alcoholic beverage drink most often Wine coolers
Consumer ProfilesAutomotiveAuto insurance - plan to switch provider next 12 mths No
Consumer ProfilesFinancialCompany purchasing decisions participated in past 12 mo Computer hardware
Consumer ProfilesFinancialCompany purchasing decisions participated in past 12 mo Overnight delivery
Consumer ProfilesFinancialCompany purchasing decisions participated in past 12 months Business travel
Consumer ProfilesFinancialCompany purchasing decisions participated in past 12 months Office equipment
Consumer ProfilesHealthGroup insurance companies No group insurance
Consumer ProfilesHealthGroup or individual insurance companies Any health insurance
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Allergies
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Anxiety/depression
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Arthritis
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Asthma
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Childrens medicine
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Cholesterol
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Cold or flu
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Diabetes
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Did not buy medications
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Digestive disorder
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months High blood pressure
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Other reason
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Quit smoking
Consumer ProfilesHealthMedications reasons bought past 12 months Weight loss
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Cardiologist
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Chiropractor
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Cosmetic surgeon
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Dentist
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Eye doctor (ophthalmologist)
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Eye examiner (optometrist)
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months None
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months OB/GYN
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Orthopedist
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Other specialist
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Physical therapist
Consumer ProfilesHealthSpecialists used past 12 months Skin doctor (dermatologist)
Consumer ProfilesHealthType of health insurance None
Consumer ProfilesHealthType of health insurance Other type of health insurance
Consumer ProfilesHealthType of health insurance POS (Point of Service)
Consumer ProfilesHealthType of health insurance PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeFurniture/mattress:Stores bought past 12 months Any furn/mattress store
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHardware/paint/lawn/garden:Stores shopped past 12 mo Any hardware store
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Camera or accessories
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Carpeting or floor covering
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Curtains, blinds, etc.
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Draperies, blinds, etc.
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Furniture
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Hardware, building, or paint
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Lawn or garden items
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Mattress
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Other consumer electronics
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeHousehold items bought past 12 months Television
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Day care service
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Home security system
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Office in the home
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Pest control service
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Primary house or condo existing
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Primary house or condo new
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Smart TV
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Solar panels
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Video game system
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Virtual reality (VR) headset
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household currently has Wireless/cell phone service
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Digital camera
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Mobile/mftrd home
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Primary Resid New
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months SiriusXM radio
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Smart speaker
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Smartwatch
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Tablet
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 months Video game system
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 mos Mobile/manufactured home
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 mos Smart speaker
Consumer ProfilesItems in the HomeItems/services household plans to buy in next 12 mos Virtual reality headset
Consumer ProfilesMRI Hardware & AppliancesBuy Any Household Appliances- 1yr
Consumer ProfilesMRI Hardware & AppliancesBuy Central Air Conditioner- 1yr
Consumer ProfilesRetail ShoppingFlorists:Stores shopped/used services past 12 mo Any florist (excl grocers)
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended past 12 months (net) Any marathon/road race
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended past 12 months (net) Any pro rodeo
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended past 12 months (net) Bowl games
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended past 12 months (net) PGA TOUR
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Art museum
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Circus
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Comedy club
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Health/wellness/fitness expo
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Ice show
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Monster Jam (monster trucks)
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months NHRA Drag Racing
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months Pro Bull Riding (PBR)
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months R&B/rap/hip-hop concert
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureEvents attended/places visited past 12 months WWE (pro wrestling)
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle change/event personally plan to do next 12 mo Birth of grandchild
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle changes household plans to do next 12 mths Shop for nursing care
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle changes/events personally plan to do next 12 mo Last mortgage pmt
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle changes/events personally plan to do next 12 mths Get married
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle changes/events personally plan to do next 12 mths Retire
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle characteristics Have life insurance
Consumer ProfilesSports and LeisureLifestyle characteristics Work at home (most of the time or always)
Consumer ProfilesTelecommunicationsHousehold owns computer No
Consumer ProfilesTelecommunicationsHousehold owns computer Yes
Consumer ProfilesTelecommunicationsHousehold subscribes to cable No
Consumer ProfilesTelecommunicationsHousehold subscribes to cable Yes
Consumer ProfilesTravelAirlines used past 12 months (business) Any airline used for business
Consumer ProfilesTravelAirlines used past 12 months (personal/vacation) Any airline used