Claritas Consumer Segments

As a reference for users, Motionworks provides this catalog of Claritas Consumer Segments to allow users to select one or more of these segments when creating custom population segments. The custom population segment may require any or all of the selected consumer segments and may be cross-classified with other segmentation systems or selected demographics.

Browse the available segments on the sub-pages by subcategory:


Motionworks delivers catalog_claritas_segment via Snowflake or can be delivered using a compressed flat file output (csv.gz) via cloud storage. The following describes the schema.

claritas_segmentUnique identifier for the consumer segment across years.stringcp_0e10e68ab0487c4ec63860afeb439e59
categoryHigh-level Category Description.stringConsumer Profiles
subcategoryNested Subcategory Description.stringSports and Leisure
descriptionDescription of the consumer segment.stringActivities past 12 months include Golf

More information is available directly from Claritas on these Consumer Segments.