Popcast™ Digital Pop United States

Motionworks Popcast™ Digital Pop is a virtual representation of the population.

Motionworks Popcast™ Digital Pop United States is a virtual representation of the population. A virtual person exists who is statistically representative of you and anyone else in the real population. You will not find an exact virtual copy of yourself within it, and because of this, it has the benefit of protecting individuals' privacy.

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Data Dimensions

  • Frequency Published once a year.
  • Geographic coverage Summarizes residents of the U.S.
  • Zone systems Residential locations reported as US Census block groups and US Census ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs).
  • Date availability 2021, 2022, and 2023. For 2019 or 2020, reach out to our sales team for pricing.
  • Latency Data are released before the end of the 1st Quarter (March 31) in the current year.


Motionworks delivers Popcast™ Digital Pop via Snowflake or can be delivered using a compressed flat file output (csv.gz) via cloud storage. The following describes the schema.

yearCalendar year the digital population represents.string2021
geography_idGeography reference where the person resides. For the United States, Census block groups are used as the primary geography.stringUS2010XXBG360610031001
household_idUnique identifier of the household constructed from the block group FIPS code, underscore, and a unique number. Unique to year but may not be unique to the entire dataset.string3606100310011646
hhperson_idUnique identifier of the person (household_id, underscore, a unique number for the person number in the household). Unique to year but may not be unique to the entire dataset.string36061003100116461
ageAge in years (up to 100).string26
genderGender following US Census Bureau's sex classification
  • m = male
  • f = female
raceRace following US Census Bureau classifications:
  • white = White
  • black = Black or African American
  • native = American Indian or Alaska Native
  • asian = Asian
  • islander = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • other = Other
  • multiple = Multiple
hispanicHispanic origin following US Census Bureau classification, where people who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race.booleanFalse
workerWorker status using the US Census definition of worker in the American Community Survey.booleanTrue
languageLanguage spoken at home:
  • english
  • spanish
  • other
  • household
  • institutional group quarters (e.g., correctional facilities, nursing homes)
  • `non-institutional group quarters (e.g., college dormitories, military barracks, group homes)
stringinstitutional group quarters
household_sizeThe number of people living in the household.integer4
household_childrenPresence of children (age less than 18yrs) in the household.booleanTrue
household_incomeTotal household income (USD) reported, adjusted for inflation in prior year dollars. Missing values are null.integer61743
household_vehiclesNumber of vehicles available to the household
  • 0 = 0 cars
  • 1 = 1 car
  • 2 = 2 cars
  • 3 = 3 cars
  • 4 = 4 or more cars
Missing values are null.
prizm_segmentClaritas PRIZM Segment to which the household belongs. Null for group quarters.integer54
postal_codePostal code Geography reference where the person resides. For the United States, Census Zip Code Tabulation Areas are used. Not all areas of the United States are covered by a ZIP Code in the Census ZCTA file. In those cases, values are null.stringUS2010ZCTA10007
claritas_segmentsA list of Claritas Consumer Segments to which the household belongs. Null for group quarters.array[cp_f8a210,cp_5b7546]
vintageInternal Motionworks identifier for the run process used to generate the Digital Population record.string20220912_812c112



A deep dive into the methodology and its benefits are available in the Synthetic Populations methodology documents. Motionworks uses Claritas Pop Facts to develop control totals for its Digital Population products.