Travel Listing

cp_51f607b8a59eadf6fe7cc1e517cdf1f0Consumer ProfilesTravelAirlines used for domestic/foreign travel past 12 months Any airline flown
cp_f6500367a147f89ba5c931ffe8d19126Consumer ProfilesTravelAirlines used past 12 months (business) Any airline used for business
cp_703e52fdb43c1736a81fd85c83933060Consumer ProfilesTravelAirlines used past 12 months (personal/vacation) Any airline used
cp_611569ecb047d89178d8bcc4bd9f25ebConsumer ProfilesTravelCar rental companies used past 12 months Any car rental
cp_1590f9d8a3f169dc033318628be89d34Consumer ProfilesTravelCasinos visited past 12 months Yes
cp_e708ed0ce024becea10f62c67168535cConsumer ProfilesTravelHotel/motels past 12 months Any bed & breakfast
cp_73fdac16baf98ca37200ebe6794b8b78Consumer ProfilesTravelHotel/motels past 12 months Any hotel/motel
cp_a30ffd1b6b99bd297956ee0564a90b8bConsumer ProfilesTravelHotel/motels past 12 months Any short-term rental (Airbnb, HomeAway, etc.)
cp_a5b056e3929b949657e37e0ab6ae63b6Consumer ProfilesTravelHotel/motels past 12 months Any upscale hotel
cp_f493b1f1bb601f968f40835b05262224Consumer ProfilesTravelNo. domestic air round trips past 12 mo (primarily business) Any
cp_9318d9eca2b26fc3c9e7c0c9b58b88f4Consumer ProfilesTravelNo. domestic air round trips past 12 mo (primarily personal) Any
cp_a317453df20e072c3295a5979e7718ebConsumer ProfilesTravelNo. of domestic air round trips past 12 months Any domestic air round trip
cp_91e99fbafb09ee7965c479857bca54f1Consumer ProfilesTravelNo. of trips outside continental U.S. past 3 years Any foreign trip
cp_baa4664e19c8989ba90bcc11d09e7187Consumer ProfilesTravelNo. trips outside cont. U.S. past 12 mo (primarily vacation) 1 trip
cp_ce5547e4b3b668d0f8faeb96c4d8f629Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Adventure vacation (hiking)
cp_ad3844f4a13e2bb7c5a30fb0a2f34581Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months All-inclusive resort
cp_ed961c3cc557dfc1a7c8a6ce77f0a851Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Beach or lake vacation
cp_189c7cc620e23a5edad49b0c3d972bf3Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Cruise
cp_ea3cc0afddaf61c3cd89703bd017dfd2Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Escorted tour/tour group
cp_39bb7005da3522d9ae5d15a99f47e517Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Family vacation
cp_89f3cac589f829460ca044d50b7bc8e2Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Gambling/casino trip
cp_b09cd99cb582cb7cc893a13a8a0dacdbConsumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Golf or tennis vacation
cp_65634f15589f671cc3aa12bc2d8d408dConsumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Mountain vacation
cp_fc211cdf9d00863980fcd7b9d7b00c85Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Ski vacation
cp_93b82176434245a7534a060cc58eceddConsumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Spa vacation
cp_0f196caf3c07092873e5448adfa570f1Consumer ProfilesTravelTypes of vacations plan to take next 12 months Theme park vacation