Placecast™ Profiles

Motionworks Placecast™ Profiles provides robust insights into visitation to points of interest across North America

Motionworks Placecast™ Profiles provides historical and near-real time data on the for places and regions from the beginning of 2019 to present. Data includes activities by type, audience, and origin.

Data Dimensions

  • Frequency Published weekly.
  • Geographic coverage Summarizes activities for residents of the U.S. for Motionworks Places and Regions.
  • Zone systems Not applicable. No zone systems are used in reporting data in this schema.
  • Date availability Weekly data since 2019.
  • Latency Data are released each Monday on a 15-day latency. For example, by 27 March 2023, data through 12 March 2023 will be released.


place_idUnique and persistent identifier of this place or region defined by a data collection polygon (also sometimes called point or place of interest).Integer275640
nameName of the place.StringGrand Tetons National Park
street_addressStreet address of the place.String103 Headquarters Rd
cityCity of the place.StringMoose
stateState or province of the place.StringWY
postal_codePostal delivery code of the place. In the US, this is the ZIP code.String83012
locationLatitude and longitude of the placeJSON {String: String}{"lat":40.632881, "lon":-73.948035}
marketA variety of location descriptors using standard geographies, e.g. county, state, core-based statistical area, and designated market area.JSON {String: String}{"co_geoid": "36047","co_name": "Kings",...}
place_type_idUnique identifier of the place type.Integer19
place_typeDescription of the place type.StringGrocery Store
place_audit_statusAudit status of the place.StringReviewed
place_modified_dateThe last date the place's metadata, polygon, or audit status were modified, ISO 8601 with yyyy-mm-dd.Date2022-01-13
published_dateThe date these weekly metrics were published, labeled using ISO 8601 with yyyy-mm-dd. For all metrics (unless expressly stated otherwise), we estimate a recent week using a rolling average over the current week and each of the previous five weeks separately. Then, these six values are averaged. In some cases where it makes sense, a weighted six-week average rather than a simple six-week average is used. For example, the rolling average for visits is a simple average (weighting each of the six weeks equally), whereas the rolling average of visits_avg_dwell is a weighted average (weighting the dwell time from each of the six weeks according to their respective total visits).Date2022-03-07
activitiesTotal weekly activities at the place, where an activity refers to any significant time spent at a place. Activities are the sum of dropoffs and visits, which are differentiated by a dwell time threshold.Integer1765
visitsTotal weekly visits at the place. A visit is an activity with a measured dwell time at the place greater than or equal to activities_dwell_threshold.Integer1013
dropoffsTotal weekly dropoffs at the place. A dropoff is an activity with a measured dwell time at the place less than ‘activities_dwell_threshold‘.Integer752
passbysTotal weekly pass-bys of the place. A pass-by has zero dwell time at the place and is NOT an activity. They do not count as a dropoff or visit (or stay).Integer172
staysTotal weekly stays at the place. In short, a stay is an overnight visit. Stays are a subset of ‘visits‘, meaning a ‘stay‘ counts as a ‘visit‘, but not all ‘visits‘ count as a ‘stay‘. A stay is a visit with a measured dwell time of at least 4 hours inclusive of 03:00 a.m. in local time.Integer261
visits_ci90% confidence interval of the ‘visits‘ estimate. If we were to repeatedly make new estimates of ‘visits‘ using the same procedure with new data from different samples of people, the confidence interval would contain the resulting estimate 90% of the time.JSON [Integer, len=2][913, 1113]
visits_observationsThe number of visits observed directly in the sample in total over the six weeks used to compute rolling averages.Integer59
imputedA boolean flag indicating whether the estimates for this week were imputed with a larger time window than the standard rolling period due to missing data. If true, activities, visits, dropoffs, passbys, stays, and all other included metrics are imputed.Booleantrue
visits_avg_dwellAverage dwell time (in minutes) per person over the week, ignoring those panel members who live in the associated block group(s) that intersect the place or that work in the place.Number (Float)47.1
activities_dwell_thresholdThe dwell time threshold (in minutes) for the place. Activities measuring a dwell time less than this threshold at this place are counted as dropoffs, and activities measuring a dwell time greater than or equal to this threshold at this place are counted as visits. Values for Places are maximum of 15 minutes.Number (Float)2.4
visits_frequency_per_personAverage visits per person over the week, ignoring those panel members who live in the associated block group(s) that intersect the place or that work in the place.Number (Float)1.15
visits_unique_personsThe weekly number of unique persons visiting the place. Equals ‘visits‘ divided by ‘visits_frequency_per_person‘.Integer1532
visits_unique_long_tripsThe weekly number of unique long-distance trips visiting the place. A long-distance trip is counted when a panel member is more than 50 miles from their home neighborhood. Panel members are only eligible to contribute to the estimate of unique long-distance trips if the place does not overlap with the home county of the panel member.Integer71
passbys_travel_modeWeekly pass-bys by vehicular and pedestrian status. The determination of vehicular pass-bys and pedestrian pass-bys are determined by observed speed. The sum of all will equal ‘passbys‘. Vehicular are first, and pedestrian are second in the array. If NULL, the polygon of this place is large enough to be considered a region and is not calculated.JSON [Integer, len = 2][172, 0]
local_radiusWeekly activities, pass-bys, dropoffs, and visits by local and non-local status. A local activity or pass-by is counted when the home block group of the panel member is within a 50-mile radius of the place. The radius is calculated between the observed lat/lon of the panel member and the center point of the home block group. The sum of all will equal ‘activities‘, ‘passbys‘, ‘dropoffs‘, and ‘visits‘, respectively. Local is first, and non-local is second in the array.JSON {String: [Integer, len = 2]}{"passbys": [75, 97], "dropoffs": [506, 246], "visits": [161, 100], "stays": [150, 111]}
percent_visitsPercent of visits by various dimensions, including the day of the week and hour of the day, demographic segments, and home locations. The sum of all will generally equal 100, except in the case of rounding error. Indices against the population are included for demographic segments. For example, with age group 0-17 having 3.1% of visits, an index of 100 indicates that 3.1% of the population of the surrounding DMA also is aged 0-17. Indices can range from 0 to infinity, where 0 occurs when there are no visits from a given segment, and infinity occurs when the segment is not present in the surrounding DMA. See the Percent Visits section for a more detailed example.JSON {String: {String: {String: Float}}}{"day": {...}, "segment": {...}, "home": {...}}
historyA history of ‘visits‘, ‘dropoffs‘, ‘passbys‘, and ‘stays‘, year over year or week over week, as measured within each separate time frame (not a rolling average). Labeled using ISO 8601 with ‘yyyy‘ or ‘yyyy-Www‘ beginning with January 2019. The current year reports year-to-date. See the Historical Summary section for a more detailed example.JSON {String: {Date: {String: Integer}}}{"year": {...}, "week": {...}}

Household Demographics and Privacy

All of our demographics, even if person-level, like age or gender, are estimated by considering the demographic profiles of the household unit. If we observe visits from a neighborhood characterized by households that tend to be single parents as well as multi-generational, all of this neighborhood-typical household’s ages contribute to the characterization of the estimated visit. Specifically, let’s say a neighborhood's typical household tends to have equal distributions of people in age segments 0-17, 35-44, and 75+. If we observe visits to a bar from this neighborhood, the percentage of visits by age segment at the bar would be 33.3% for each of the three age segments.

JSON Schema

All metrics reported as percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent, where 25.1 is 25.1%.

Percent Visits

Percent of visits by a variety of dimensions, including by day of the week and hour of the day, demographic segments, and home locations. Some of these dimensions are mutually exclusive groups, and some of them overlap. These differences determine whether all possible categories within the groups are reported and what the sum of the percentages should equal. The bulleted list highlights these differences, and the JSON sample below demonstrates the format of the object.

The daily_dwell_bins measure the total time spent in a day by a panel member, regardless of the number of times coming and going. For example, when an individual spends 3.5 hours at work, leaves for lunch, and returns for another 4.5 hours, their daily dwell will be 8 hours.

  "day": [
      "id": "mo",
      "description": "Monday",
      "value": 0.213,
      "hourly": [0.0017, 0.0017, 0.0015, ...]
      "id": "tu",
      "description": "Tuesday",
      "value": 0.223,
      "hourly": [0.0186, 0.009, 0.0027, ...]
      "id": "we",
      "description": "Wednesday",
      "value": 0.223,
      "hourly": [0.0015, 0.0027, 0.0041, ...]
  "daily_dwell_bins": [
      "id": "persons_000_030min",
      "description": "Less than 30 minutes",
      "value": 0.5456
      "id": "persons_030_060min",
      "description": "30 minutes to 59 minutes",
      "value": 0.2342
      "id": "persons_060_120min",
      "description": "1 hour to 1 hour 59 minutes",
      "value": 0.1689
      "id": "persons_120_240min",
      "description": "2 hours to 3 hours 59 minutes",
      "value": 0.0272
      "id": "persons_240_plus",
      "description": "4 hours or more",
      "value": 0.0241
  "segment": {
    "basic_demographics": [
        "category": "age_plus",
        "segments": [
            "id": "age_00plus",
            "description": "All Persons",
            "value": 1.000,
            "index": 1.0
            "id": "age_18plus",
            "description": "Population, Age 18+",
            "value": 0.7862,
            "index": 0.9796
        "category": "age",
        "segments": [
            "id": "age_00t17",
            "description": "Population, Age 0 - 17",
            "value": 0.031,
            "index": 0.3
            "id": "age_18t24",
            "description": "Population, Age 18 - 24",
            "value": 0.052,
            "index": 1022.3
  "home": {
    "state_province": [
        "id": "50",
        "alias": "VT",
        "description": "Vermont",
        "value": 0.252
        "id": "33",
        "alias": "NH",
        "description": "New Hampshire",
        "value": 0.137

Small Mutually-Exclusive Dimensions

The following dimensions have mutually exclusive groups and include a small enough set of groups that all of the groups are reported. In these cases, the sum of all of the values will generally equal 100, except in the case of rounding error.

  • day Special Note: Some places may return NULL values for certain hours. Measurement during these hours are being suppressed at these places for privacy purposes.
  • daily_dwell_bins
  • segment:basic_demographics:age See the Household Demographics and Privacy section for details on how this is estimated.
  • segment:basic_demographics:hh_income
  • segment:basic_demographics:race See the Household Demographics and Privacy section for details on how this is estimated.
  • segment:basic_demographics:gender See the Household Demographics and Privacy section for details on how this is estimated.
  • segment:basic_demographics:ethnicity See the Household Demographics and Privacy section for details on how this is estimated.
  • segment:basic_demographics:prizm
  • home:state_province Labeled by 2-digit FIPS code (including leading zeros).
  • home:dma Labeled by DMA identifier.

Large, Mutually-Exclusive Dimensions

The following dimensions also have mutually exclusive groups, but there are too many groups to report percentages for all the groups. In these cases, the groups representing the top 75th percentile of all visits are reported (with a minimum of 10 groups). Also, any segment with an index value greater than 1.05 is included. Accordingly, the sum of all the values will NOT equal 100, but the sum will be at least 75.

  • home:metro_area Labeled by core-based statistical area (CBSA) identifier in the United States.
  • home:county Labeled by 5-digit county FIPS code (including leading zeros).
  • home:postal_code Labeled by 5-digit postal code.
  • home:census_neighborhood Labeled by block group's 12-digit FIPS code (including leading zeros) in the United States and by dissemination area's 8-digit identifier in Canada.

Overlapping Dimensions

The following dimensions have overlapping groups.

  • segment:basic_demographics:age_plus
  • segment:consumer:alcohol
  • segment:consumer:automotive
  • segment:consumer:commuting_and_transportation
  • segment:consumer:digital_video_displays
  • segment:consumer:environment
  • segment:consumer:financial
  • segment:consumer:food_and_beverages
  • segment:consumer:health
  • segment:consumer:items_in_the_home
  • segment:consumer:mri_apparel_and_jewelry
  • segment:consumer:mri_home_improvements
  • segment:consumer:mri_psychographics
  • segment:consumer:restaurants
  • segment:consumer:retail_shopping
  • segment:consumer:sports_and_leisure
  • segment:consumer:telecommunications
  • segment:consumer:travel
  • segment:consumer:voting

Historical Summary

A history of visits, dropoffs, passbys, and stays, year over year or week over week, as measured within each separate time frame (not a rolling average). Labeled using ISO 8601 with yyyy or yyyy-Www beginning with January 2019. The current year reports year-to-date. Also, visits_observations reports the number of visits observed directly in the sample during each specific reported period (year or week).

  "year": [
      "id": "2019",
      "imputed": false,
      "activities": 5086,
      "visits": 4152,
      "visits_ci": [4142, 4162],
      "visits_observations": 102,
      "dropoffs": 934,
      "stays": 2273,
      "passbys": 10562,
      "week_count": 52
      "id": "2020",
      "imputed": false,
      "activities": 3247,
      "visits": 2135,
      "visits_ci": [2130, 2140],
      "visits_observations": 192,
      "dropoffs": 1112,
      "stays": 178,
      "passbys": 40874,
      "week_count": 52
      "id": "2022",
      "imputed": false,
      "activities": 4580,
      "visits": 3546,
      "visits_ci": [3540, 3552],
      "visits_observations": 142,
      "dropoffs": 1034,
      "stays": 134,
      "passbys": 40436,
      "week_count": 11
  "week": [
      "id": "2019-W01",
      "imputed": true,
      "activities": 64,
      "visits": 52,
      "visits_ci": [32, 72],
      "visits_observations": 1,
      "dropoffs": 12,
      "stays": 45,
      "passbys": 34,
      "week_start": "2019-01-07"