Popcast™ at Home

Motionworks Popcast™ at Home summarizes any user defined population segment for any geography.

Motionworks Popcast™ at Home provides the population total at any geographic region from Postal Codes to States and Metropolitan Areas. Users may pick from common Population Segments syndicated by Motionworks or mix and match any demographics or consumer segments to create their own.

Data Dimensions

  • Frequency New Population Segments are added weekly.
  • Geographic coverage Summarizes residents of the United States, Canada, or Australia.
  • Zone systems All relevant Geographic Definitions are populated for each Population Segment.
  • Date availability 2021 and 2022. For 2019, 2020, or 2023 reach out to our sales team for pricing.
  • Latency Data are released within 14 days after the Population Segment is defined.


Motionworks delivers Popcast™ at Home via Snowflake or can be delivered using a compressed flat file output (csv.gz) via cloud storage. The following describes the schema.

motionworks_segment_idUnique identifier for the Customer's population segment, including customer's identifier and description.stringa0445aed-cda4-4d74-bc01-894f415412c2
customer_idCustomer Account Numberinteger30
customer_nameCustomer Account NamestringMotionworks
customer_segment_idCustomer Segment Identifierstringage_21plus
customer_segment_nameCustomer Segment Name or DescriptionstringPopulation, Age 21+
yearYear of the Popcast™ Digital Population being summarized.integer2022
geography_idGeography reference being summarized.stringUS2010XXBG360610031001
personsThe count of persons matching the Population Segment definition with a primary home location within the Geography.integer2367
householdsThe count of households with at least one person that matches the Population Segment definition with a primary home location within the Geography.integer1694
all_personsThe count of all persons with a primary home location within the Geography.integer3065
hh_personsThe count of all persons with a primary home location within the Geography NOT classified as a type of Group Quarters.integer1871
gq_personsThe count of all persons with a primary home location classified as non-institutional Group Quarters within the Geography.integer1194
all_householdsThe count of all households within the Geography.integer2173
hh_householdsThe count of all households within the Geography NOT classified as a type of Group Quarters.integer979
gq_householdsThe count of all households within the Geography classified as non-institutional Group Quarters.integer1194
vintageDate and Time that the Population was summarized.string2023-04-09t1456