Claritas PRIZM Segments

As a reference for users, Motionworks provides this catalog of Claritas PRIZM Segments to allow users to select one or more of these segments when creating custom population segments. The custom population segment may require any number of the selected PRIZM segments (any person or household will only belong to a single PRIZM Segment). It may be cross-classified with other segmentation systems or selected demographics.


Motionworks delivers catalog_claritas_prizm_segment via Snowflake or can be delivered using a compressed flat file output (csv.gz) via cloud storage. The following describes the schema.

prizm_segmentUnique identifier for the PRIZM segment across years.string04
categoryHigh-level Category Description.stringPRIZM
subcategoryNested Subcategory Description.stringSegment Households
descriptionDescription of the consumer segment.stringYoung Digerati
socialgroup_idUnique identifier for the Social Group segment across years.stringU1
lifestage_idUnique identifier for the Lifestage segment across years.stringY1
urbanicity_idUnique identifier for the Urbanicity segment across years.stringZ1

The Social Groups, Lifestage Segments, and Urbanicity Segments are all described in the catalog with an alpha-numeric prizm_segment identifier and the associated socialgroup_id, lifestage_id, urbanicity_id fields having the value of null.

The core PRIZM segments relate to 69 segments in the catalog with subcategory = "Segment Households". The associated prizm_segment will resolve to an integer value, and the associated socialgroup_id, lifestage_id, urbanicity_id fields will be populated.


Possible Data Type Conflict

Within this catalog, the prizm_segment is a STRING type. However if using this catalog with the Popcast™ Digital Pop dataset, the household value for prizm_segment includes only the disaggregate Segment Households and is stored as an INTEGER.